Vulnerable appellants/witnesses and those lacking capacity in the Immigration Tribunal

Most, if not all, of our clients in the immigration and asylum tribunal are vulnerable by virtue of their age, health, traumatic experiences or personal characteristics. While the tribunal has good guidance in place, it is rarely used to best effect. In this webinar Lucy Mair from our Immigration & Asylum Team will focus on how to identify and evidence vulnerabilities early on and best safeguard and represent these clients.

We will look at the Practice Direction, Joint Presidential Guidance Notes and AM (Afghanistan) v Secretary of State for the Home Department and how they can be best utilised. We will consider ground rules hearings and what types of accommodations can be sought in the giving of evidence by vulnerable clients. We will examine how to apply for and appoint litigation friends. And finally, we will discuss what type of medical and other evidence should be adduced to support an application to treat a witness as vulnerable or lacking in capacity.

This free webinar was part of our collaborative series with DG Legal and can be viewed below:

When: 28 Jun 2021
Start time: 13:00
End time: 14:00

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